Purchase Port-A-Cool PAC2K36HPVS Commercial Evaporative Cooler

Port-A-Cool PAC2K36HPVS Commercial Evaporative Cooler

Port-A-Cool PAC2K36HPVS Commercial Evaporative Cooler Port-A-Cool portable evaporative cooling units utilize a unique, patented housing design and K L Pads high efficiency rigid cooling media to produce effective and efficient cooling even in high relative humidity conditions. The Port-A-Cool 36 in. High Performance Variable Speed model cools up to 2,650 square feet making it perfect for hospitality tents, warehouses, factories, workshops, large work areas, outdoor recreational areas anywhere air conditioning is ineffective or cost prohibitive. Port-A-Cool portable evaporative cooling units perform at a fraction of the cost of standard air-conditioning while lowering the surrounding air temperature by as much as 15 to 25 degrees Fahrenheit, resulting in an average utility cost of only 7.5-cents to 28.2-cents per hour, depending on unit size. Port-A-Cool units are environmentally friendly and provide long-term dependability plus near maintenance-free operation. This evaporative cooler performs best in dry, arid climates.

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Product Price :: $2399.0